Descaling is a prophylactic dental procedure by which the tartar and dental plaque formed on the supragingival surface - enamel, respectively subgingival - cementation of natural or artificial teeth are removed. Supragingival dental tartar is also the most common; it is colorless at first, then acquires a brownish hue and gives an unsightly appearance to the teeth, while producing halena and caries.
Subgingival tartar is harder and darker in color, and over time increases its volume and detaches the gums from the tooth, producing an environment conducive to the development of bacteria.
Bacterial plaque is food residues and bacteria that form on the tooth immediately after a meal. This substance is colorless and sticky, but if it is not removed by brushing, over time, it turns into tartar or stone - a hard, colorless or grayish, yellowish layer.
Tartar is a threat to the health of the gums and the structures that support the tooth in that it is an environment conducive to the development of bacteria that give rise to inflammatory processes.
The ultrasonic instrumentation removes the tartar by high frequency mechanical vibrations (20,000 - 45,000 Hz). These devices can have the oscillation driven either by alternating voltage or by electromagnetic voltage. These devices do not traumatize the gums and teeth, and the water released by pressure massages, cleans and removes residues and pigment spots.
Following the descaling, however, small deposits may remain on the surface of the tooth, which if not removed will be the basis for new tartar deposits, which must be removed by professional polishing and brushing. Grinding is performed by applying an abrasive paste using a rotating rubber tool. Descaling and professional brushing are prophylactic dental methods recommended at an interval of 6 months, and for smokers every 3 months.
Air-Flow sanitization is the most effective and non-traumatic method of sanitizing the oral cavity, prevention and prophylaxis of gingivitis and marginal periodontitis.
On the surface of the tooth acts a mixture of water and abrasive substances projected under pressure in the form of a directed jet on the dental surfaces covered with bacterial plaque, food pigments deposited following the consumption of colored drinks (tea, coffee, cola) or recently deposited tartar. In this way the microorganisms and deposits are very easily removed from the tooth surface, and the teeth acquire their natural color.
Air-Flow prophylaxis is very simple. The procedure consists in designing a jet of water and air enriched with flavored sodium bicarbonate through the cannula of a special pressure device. The abrasive properties of baking soda are not so great, so the surface of the tooth enamel does not change, but it is enough to remove plaque, food pigmentation and dental tartar. Also, the jet of water and dust performs a massage and a very fine gingival micropiling, which contributes to the intensification of the local circulation and a rich flow of anti-inflammatory cells that will contribute to the regeneration and healing of your gums. In the Albero Dental Lounge clinic for dental cleaning we use KaVO PROPHYflex 3,by which we guarantee quality to our patients.