ALBERO - Dental Clinic

Our services



high quality dental implants with prices ranging from 199 to 399 euros . All our products have a 10 years warranty . To make an appointment, contact us at 022 997 650 or online at our website. We guarantee you a pleasant and painless experience.

Implantology is a surgical dentistry, which includes interventions in which lost or severely damaged teeth are replaced with dental implants in order to restore the morphofunctional and aesthetic dental apparatus. upper jaw.

Dental implant itself is a replacement for a tooth root made of titanium (a metal that is very well tolerated by the bone tissue). This "screw" is fixed inside the upper or lower jaw and serves as a support for one or more artificial teeth.
There are many types of dental implants, each of which is designed according to the needs of the patient. After a thorough evaluation, the implantologist will recommend the types of dental implants for each case, taking into account the purpose of the procedure, the general condition of the body and the location of the implant area of ​​each patient.

1. Why should you choose a dental implant?
A dental implant can prevent the side effects that occur in the chain when one or more teeth are missing.

  • The bone dissolves (atrophies).
  • Adjacent teeth lean towards free space
  • Antagonistic teeth drop.
  • Increases the risk of tooth decay.
  • Increases the risk of periodontal disease.
  • Causes temporomandibular joint pain.

2. What are the benefits of dental implant treatment?

  • Future investments in your quality of life.
  • This can save you other dental costs in the future.
  • Keeps the teeth of a missing neighbor safe and sound.
  • Functionally stimulates bone that no longer dissolves / atrophies.

3. How many sessions do you need to install a dental implant?

It depends on your teeth and the type of treatment that is best for your case. In some cases, only one surgical procedure can be performed, but there are cases when the operation is performed in two stages.

  • Initial consultation
  • Surgery (the implant placement procedure actually takes 20-30 minutes)
  • Postoperative control
  • Stages of prosthetics
  • Final control

Approximately 6-8 sessions until the end of treatment.

The implants are fixed in the bone, so at the end of the treatment you will have a tooth that behaves like your own teeth when you eat, talk or laugh. Most patients do not distinguish between natural teeth and new teeth on implants.
In Albero Dental lounge, implant placement is carried out using the device NSK Surgic Pro + Physical Dispenser


Dental Surgery is a complex branch of dentistry dedicated to solving dental complications that can affect the health or proper functioning of teeth.

Dental procedures in dental surgery at the Albero Clinic include:

Tooth extraction is a surgical therapeutic method that includes the extraction of a tooth from the oral cavity, which no longer lends itself to conservative procedures (root or coronary artery filling, microprostheses, etc.) or they are not shown, or its presence on the arch prevents the normal eruption or alignment of other teeth.

Toothache - pain caused by a toothache or the third molar is part of the latter set of teeth that look different from person to person. In most cases, mental masses have the wrong direction of development, which determines the appearance of pain, swelling of the gums, or even infection of the tissues around them. Another risk associated with their appearance is the influence of "adjacent" teeth. This is why the dentist recommends removing them.

Curettage as well as apical resection are usually performed if endodontic otograde treatment fails or re-treatment cannot be performed due to root canal obstruction. Apical curettage includes disinfection of the apical tissue. Apical resection is the removal of the infected bone tissue and then the removal of the apex of the tooth. The intervention consists in the temporary removal of the gum in the area of ​​the root of the affected tooth, it is slightly drilled into the bone to create an alveolus through which the infected tissue is removed.

Regularity of the alveolar ridge These protrusions occur due to traumatic removal or, most often, due to the uneven edges of the alveoli, interdental or interroot septa. For prosthetics in these cases, it is necessary to streamline the alveolar ridge with the help of labor, which consists in the excision of these bony protrusions.

Root amputation actually means detaching the root of a gum tooth when it is infected and cannot be saved with endodontic treatment. A condition for amputation is that two adjacent roots are strong enough to support the tooth without an additional root. Amputation is performed for upper molars.

Premolarization is performed on the lower molars and consists in removing the diseased root that can no longer be treated and maintaining its health. When one tooth with two roots has a diseased root and a healthy one, the diseased one can be removed, and the other can be preserved and cured, covering itself with work.

Sinus lift is a highly complex surgical procedure in which an artificial bone is inserted under the sinus membrane, which in the future will support the implants at the level of the upper jaw. After the removal of the upper molars, the bone dissolves over time, and the maxillary sinus descends. In order to be able to place implants, we need a bone of a suitable height and thickness, which decreases over time. This height and thickness is achieved by lifting the maxillary sinus and then placing implants long enough to last over time.

Bone expansion and bone augmentation: slight expansion of the ridge for implant placement, and the addition of autogenous bone or other bone grafts to create height and width. bone required for implant placement.

Dental Clinic Albero Dental Lounge offers you dental alveolar surgery services using the highest quality anesthetics that allow you to perform all surgical procedures without pain.